Friday, October 21, 2011

Found and Lost

Another year, another Paranormal Activity. Have I seen it? No I have not. Will I see it? I doubt it. Did I see the first one? Yes. Did I like it? Yes. Do I believe in the supernatural? Yes. Do I think events like those in the films could actually happen? Certainly. Did I see the second film? Nope.

Well, that explains why I won't see the third one, doesn't it? Yes, but that's not the whole reason. Okay, then. Explain it to me. What is the whole reason? To the point, the whole found footage conceit. Even more to the point, the cameras. What about the cameras? Look at them. They all use tapes, don't they? There isn't a hard disc camera to be found is Paranormal Activityland, is there? Well,  I don't really remember. Go back and watch the first film. You'll see. DV tapes last, at most, 90 minutes, and then you have to change them. Is that right? Yes, it is. So how is it the bloody cameras are able to record all night long without stopping? Are you sure the cameras aren't recording to a computer hard drive? Well, even if they were. it's very likely the hard drive wouldn't be large enough to hold days and nights worth of footage. Couldn't the guy have edited the footage as he went and deleted all the stuff he couldn't use? He could have, bit he's never really shown doing that. He's just reviewing footage-- Wait, we're talking about the first one, right? Yeah. Because that's the one I've seen. You don't even know, then. In the second one, it's like security cameras and stuff. Those pretty much always connect to computers. True, but some of them record to tapes.

It's a freaking movie. Get over it. Normally I can overlook movie logic, but not when the movie purports to be real. The sequels aren't claiming to be real.  No, actually they mostly are, it's just not as many people believe it now--hardly any, I bet. You can get away with it every now and then. The found footage gimmick worked with Blair Witch, and then it worked with PA1 because it hadn't really been over used. But now it has. Think of Cloverfield. How ridiculous is it the camera survives a bomb that wipes out a huge hideous monster? Or that the camera man could make that crazy jump without putting down the camera? I hadn't seen Cloverfield and you just spoiled it for me. Well, sorry. But you're not really missing anything. The point is, found footage needs to stay lost for a while now. If there's some really good reason to find it again, fine, but -- Don't you think it's weird talking to yourself like this? Well at least I don't have a little boy living in my mouth. Who said anything about a little boy? It's from a much better movie. Well what movie? Well!?!?! What movie?

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